To date, COPTS has supported over 30 schools and helped in educating over 993,000 students by providing literacy classes, vocational training and complete education support.

96,000+ students have attended our literacy classes

100,000+ have received vocational training

993,000+ students have been provided an education


COPTS work towards a more just and fair world not merely from a sense of charity or goodwill, but because we believe it is a necessary response to the Gospel call of Jesus, and a matter of justice. This response is central to our faith, and central to every Copt’s identity.


Each element of our education program enables individuals to reflect upon their own worldviews, their essential inter-connectedness with others, and the global issues that are the root causes of poverty. From the principal, subject coordinators and teachers to the pupils and their families and communities, we have developed a diverse program based on Coptic values, social justice and global awareness.

We believe everyone deserves access to quality education. Knowledge is indestructible and education is transformative.

Sponsor a Student


Support a student’s pursuit of a high school / tertiary education.

SKU: SPHIGH Category:

Childcare Centre Service


Support the running of Coptic childcare centres catering the physical, emotional and spiritual development of young children.



COPTS provides education opportunities for people in Egypt, including access to schooling all the way through higher education. We equip people to make a stand to end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity, and to make choices and engage in positive actions and leadership for a more just and fair world.